What will you do After Journalism?

The journalism industry is changing. Mergers. Layoffs. More responsibilities. Fewer reporters means more work for you with no more money. Do you have a plan for what you will do after journalism?

What is After Journalism?

After Journalism is a website by and for journalists and former journalists who are trying to find a new path forward, either because of layoffs or decisions to exit the industry. Here are some ways journalists are earning better incomes:


Learn the secret to writing blog posts so they have the best possible chance to rank higher in Google searches. Let a blogger who sold his website for $6 million teach you in his SEO for Writers Course.


Coming from a newspaper, where a degree was required, I never thought freelance writing would pay more. I was wrong. Find out how you can earn six figures with the Earn More Writing Course.


People have misconceptions about bloggers, namely what they do and what they earn. One couple makes $17,000+ a month with their website. Check out the Earn More Blogging Course.

Even More Content on YouTube

We share even more content to help you live your best life ever after journalism on our YouTube Channel. We interview former journalists and independent journalists who offer insights into how they are adjusting to life after a traditional journalism career.

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I am heading to Florida in November, so I will not be able to make it to Vegas for this event. However, so proud of how April has grown her agency and her team (which includes me). All our internal meetings are client focused. April is a great leader looking out for clients.

Thank you!!!!! For everyone who helped me with the SEO Challenge organized by Casey Keith, thank you. I didn't win, but what an incredible opportunity it was. Yesterday, I bought a domain and created a new website. I wrote a story and published it to that website. The goal was to get a story ranked on Google in a matter of hours. The term we targeted was "midget firefighter." I didn't win the challenge. In fact, there were quite a few in the SEO Training Camp group that finished ahead of me. I hope to be able to deconstruct their work to see what I can do better. But, don't feel bad for me. In less than a day, I ranked No. 17 on a new domain on a website with a single story. However, I did create a video to go with the story, and it ranked No. 1. All of this in less than a day. I'll take that every day of the week.

I need your help. I am in an SEO challenge. I need to get a website to rank by 10 a.m. PST Sunday, Oct. 22, 2023. If you can do two things, I would greatly appreciate it. 1. Share this post 2. Click on the link 24 Hour SEO Challenge. Rank: Midget Firefighter Ends: 10am PST 10/22/2023

Hey everyone Aj here hope you all are doing well we have been super busy with other stuff but will post something very soon.

Happy Easter from after journalism

My pizza YouTube channel has begun gaining traction. My New York Dough 2.0 is the most popular of my recipe videos. Would appreciate if you click to watch the video and subscribe to the channel. Thanks.

Hey everyone Aj here hope you have a great day and a great weekend!